Voices of Colour Music is excited to be continuing the Solo Performance Workshop for adult singers!
Here is what the program offers....
Improve performance skills in a safe and encouraging environment with a built in supportive audience of other singers
Develop performance-ready repertoire of their choosing
Share your progress with classmates over the course of the workshop
Share your accomplishments with family and friends in an informal recital at the end of the Workshop
be better prepared for auditions, competitions, exams
Location: The North Toronto Institute of Music, 3300 Yonge St, Studio 200a
This is in person program but a hybrid delivery can be considered.
The maximum number of singers for the Workshop is 6 the minimum is 4.
Each singer should come to the first class with two prepared music selections that they will develop over the course of the Workshop.
A pianist will be at each class to accompany singers
Each class will begin with a brief warm-up, vocal technique, or discussion on performing
In each class, each singer will sing and receive coaching (Master Class style) from Denise Williams on one of their songs. Singers will benefit both from the coaching they receive directly as well as what they hear given to others.
The final class will be a culmination in the form of a recital open to friends and family
Registration will close when maximum is reached
Wednesdays April 10, April 24
audit only, please confirm by email
Wednesdays May, 15, May 22, May 29, June 5
7- 9:00 pm
3300 Yonge St, Studio 200a
Pianist/ Répétiteur: Spencer Kryzanowski
Participants: $300 by May 1. (Early Bird Payment $275 deadline April 20, 2024)
Auditors:$15 each session
Brush up your repertoire, collaborate with a pianist/repetiteur, practice your performance and presentation skills.
Includes a prelim 15 min warm up or Q/A session. Max 5 participants. 5 Auditors.
All levels (Beginner, Intermediate, Senior) 18+ welcome!
Bring at least 2 contrasting selections. Prepare sheet music double-sided in a binder for the pianist.